Friday, May 23, 2014

Liebster liberation for me

Would like to start with my sincere apology for not being able to be in touch with my blogger friends of late.
Emergency situation on my family front kept me away from being regular. While I was making one or two sporadic posts in between, I wish I had been more regular than what I have been. Things are getting better on that front and here I am.
I do remember about one of my unfinished actions and that is on Liebster award.
Some great things happened for me during the month of April. Yep, exciting month it was for many reasons!!!  I wish every month would have been similar except the daily blogsJ.  It is not that I did not enjoy the daily blogs but not sure and confident if I would be able to do justice to that kind of challenge month on month.

I got nominated for Liebster award from some of my fellow blogging friends who I came to know during the challenge except Nandhini. These coming on my way, in addition to getting nominated for SunShine award by two accomplished bloggers, were icing, cherries and what not, on the already delivered cake I was enjoying J !!!

Am immensely grateful to the following people for considering me worthy of the Liebster award and I would like to believe that they did it, in letter and spirit, based on the content and not anything else.
Additionally avid blogger and journalist, Vishal Bheroo @ was kind enough to nominate me for Quintet of Radiance Award.

I sincerely thank you - Nandhini, Ushaji, Tom, Carol and Vishal once again for this gesture of theirs to proffer this award on me and shower their love to my blogs on a regular manner. I am humbled by  this gesticulation from them.

Now the hard part.

While there is no doubt that I have been motivated by these nominations, I request for your apology not being able to fulfill the criteria to accept the award, mainly due to paucity of time and hence I have taken a decision not to display the badge on my blog.

Based on few other discussions and comments from other blogging friends in blog sphere, I urge the blogging community to take a hard look in the criteria part to be fulfilled. Though I do appreciate the motive behind institutionalizing these awards in helping and motivating bloggers but the process calls for simplification to a great extent.

I am sure I am not the first person raising these points and do hope that these are being noticed for further consideration and due diligence. Though over simplification might dilute the essence of the awards, I request policy thinking in the context of the situations I am in.

Before signing-off, my sincere thanks to all my blogging buddies across geographies and countries without whom, I am no-body here.

Friends, please continue to shower your love and support for my blog to stand up on its own feet.

Thanking you.


  1. Congratulations on being recognized!! While those awards are great to get from your peers, they have a lot of rules, regulations, and work that goes into accepting them. They are time consuming.

  2. Congratulations,Jayanta. I agree with you that the rules are time consuming. We have no authority to change them.
    I am of the opinion that writing ten things about yourself allows your friends to know about you.
    The item that you have to nominate ten other friends is to allow the chain to move. You have not nominated any one, so the process stops here. Please consider these points.

    1. Dear Ushaji, As much as I know myself, 10 things were captured in my sunshine blog post @ Need to know myself more for another 10 things :-). Also nomination further, I had to do that for 50 which was quite bit of a challenge. Apology and hope you will forgive me for not able to take it forward...

  3. Congratulations, Jayanta for the wonderful recognition! I know we have talked about this issue before. May be you are the right person to start a meaningful discussion about this on some forums like blogadda etc.....see if others feel similarly.

    1. Thank, Ma'm. I am not sure if I know enough on this. Was expecting some senior pro to take it up but will do some research on that aspect....

  4. If you give content,you will get awards

  5. Congratulations buddy for so many nominations. I am sure your family front is fine now, and you can do great work to get the many more awards in coming days.

  6. Congratulations on the awards, Jayanta! I hope all is well now

    1. Thanks, Corinne. Yes, things are getting better.

  7. All the best in handling and resolving the emergency situation.
    Yes, these 'awards' are multiple-edged swords!
